Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Hey, so I have been in Westport since whenever I last wrote something on here, hanging out, playing drums, painting, and drinking beer. I've also been doing more reading than I expected, although I don't think anything I've read has really been all that great...

A few weeks ago my world was rocked by the announcement that the "classic" Guided by Voices lineup is reuniting, first for Matador's 21st anniversary thing in Vegas, then for a short tour which ends in New York on 7 Nov. I am very, very happy because I just ordered my ticket to that show, along with one for my darling Julia. I like them a lot more than she does, but she gonna come with. GBV tends to get lumped in with other 90s "indie" bands, but to me they stand head and shoulders above almost any band ever, with the exception of maybe the Clash, Carcass, the Kinks, Flag and Sabbath. Since I will probably never see any of those bands (with the possible exception of Carcass), and since this is the GBV lineup that recorded all their best stuff, and since they're going to be playing songs exclusively from that era (though nothing off Vampire on Titus, unfortunately) this is just going to be the best time. Aaahhh I'm so excited.

Speaking of Julia, she is finally coming to visit on Monday the 26th. The day after that we're going to hit Montreal for some legal drinking and amusement park rides, then head back down to Westport and be together for a week and a half or so. Then drive down to Brooklyn and hang out for a week there. Looking forward to this very very much tooooooo!

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