Sunday, April 26, 2009


With this post Hey Irony has surpassed Girth Crisis. However, it is far less useful. Congrats to me!

Just a few things:

1.) I tried (and failed) to record a new song on Friday. Good, two-minute song that I was seriously too tired to lay down properly. I still have a lot to learn, but the good news is that there is at least one song completely written for my new project, which is at the moment called Summer Home. Let me know what you think of that, or don't, because I don't care/you aren't reading this.

2.) I will be living in Red Hook (off-campus) next year in a punk haus. I got a terrible room draw number and Brian approached me about this whole thing and it's a nice house, so yeah. This, combined with the fact that I don't and will not own a car, means that the amount of time I'll be spending on campus will be somewhat limited, but I do have a place to put my amps and everything else, plus the place has a basement with a decently high ceiling that should be all right for shows, plus a great porch and lawn. Looking forward to it.

3.) I did some grilling with friends today. It was delicious, but almost ten hours later I still don't even want to think about eating or drinking anymore. I did not go out and party tonight because of this feeling, though I have been riding bikes a lot.

All for now.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I am running on three hours' sleep and am about to hand in an essay which could be completely wrong, though I suspect it isn't.

I spend way too long on essays.

How are you?

I do not take college seriously.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hey d00ds

So this is pretty much my blog and nobody reads it, and I've come to terms with that. I like offering things to download or shit I find funny and I hope other people find it funny. I never really posted a mission statement on here or anything, but I do hope you enjoy your day. Lately I've come to appreciate a few things about my life, while also keeping in mind that the world is a terrible/comical place. Never be happy with what ya got, but be proud of having it. It's 2 in the morning.

I just watched Some Kind of Monster with Quinn. All of it. Well, almost all of it. When things actually started going well, we stopped, but I think it can all be summed up and you've probably all seen this picture in a different context:

I have a job at the end of this semester buying used books and generally annoying the shit out of people. I've read up on the company and it'll just require me to generally be a dick without necessarily compromising on anything. I hate anything resembling "the college lifestyle," and this really plays into that whole thing, but I like to think I haven't really "bought it." Ya know?

I'm still writing some things for a recording that I hope to do at the end of the semester, maybe over the course of a few long Friday nights. Maybe they won't be done, though, who knows. It's sounding like this weird folk/post-rock/Sonic Youth type amalgamation, even though I'm not satisfied with any of those labels except the last one. I like the lyrics I'm writing for it, and I think one of the songs will be very long if I figure out what to do with it. I'm gonna say 2.3 songs written so far, and I know what I want to do with another. Apparently our name is "The Yeti Drinks," and it is just Quinn and I. We haven't talked about it in a few days, but I think it might actually happen, and we might have our first show over the summer if anything works out.

I always like to offer up a download, so here goes. As a lover of music, I would like to try my hand at writing about how much Pg. 99 means to me. They represent just about everything I want to do with music; namely, they recorded music on their own terms that they liked, and it made their lives better (by all indications). They had about eight bazillion members who are and were all in bands now; the ones I care to mention are City of Caterpillar, Malady, Forensics, Haram, Majority Rule (briefly), and the amazing (and previously-posted-on) PYGMY LUSH. They were actually pretty technical and very heavy, while being distinctly more emotional than a lot of bands who bark up the same tree. It's debatable where Pg. 99 ranks among the aforementioned bands (though I would probably put them below CoC, Maj Rule, and Pygmylush), but it's undeniable that they were a fantastic and meaningful band. Their first full-length, Document 5, is 100% amazing and punk as fuck. If you're reading this, you probably already have it or want nothing to do with it, but in case you don't already have it and do want something to do with it, here it is.


Monday, April 6, 2009


Daniel has a new blog, and his first entry is about Omegle. That shit is so fun. He also found some place in the Caribbean which is like a hotel with emotional/physical hookers. Dude won the internet yesterday.

Anyway, I'm starting to think about what I'm going to do this summer. I did my phone interview for some company that wants me to buy used books for them. Went well. The commission's pretty good, so I may make enough during finals week to pay for my airfare someplace over the summer, with eyes toward either New Orleans or Phoenix, or both. Anyway, I'll have to do shit during finals week, but money rules.

I also plan on submitting applications to Whole Foods and the Strand, in addition to looking for intern work in the city. YEAH MANUAL LABOR RULES RIGHT ON BRO. Alienating shit, round 2, but I may know a few more people and have a bit more fun this time. Plus I might actually make some money for next semester.

So that's about all the news lately, except that I continue to hang out with the same people and fall more and more into a routine. Soon enough, they say, soon enough. New band on the way.

I also have a very special download that I would like you to have. This was recorded by me on Garageband on Saturday night. Contents: 1.5 drunken phone calls made by a girl buying weed from my friend's roommate. The first three minutes or so are the conversation where the girl found out about shit-talkin', and the last bit, the real gold, is a message she left for the perpetrator. This recording comes with critical acclaim from everyone I've played it for, so I encourage you to give it a listen for some serious lulz.