Friday, January 22, 2010


I can't decide what exactly to think about Feet First. I don't even really know why I'm singling them out, since there are a lot of bands who do incredibly pale imitations of bands from '81 who were horrible to begin with, but they do it for me. I can't stand "punks" like this; I don't think there's anything "working class" about this band. They seem really into it, but the whole conception is just so... wrong to me. Side note: their guitarist really plays that fish guitar all the time.

NOTE that they are wearing their own band's t-shirts... just like Metallica did.

Anyway, here's their Myspace.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


So dogsledding was really cool and I just got back home but I'm in a really fucking terrible mood. I'm going back to Bard tomorrow and I don't know if that'll change anything either way, but at the moment I am not stoked.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Best Music Dude Hangs

Andrew WK is fucking awesome. I'm not such a big fan of his music, but his entire lifestyle seems to have so much to offer that I think I put him up right up there with, you know, musicians whose music I actually really like. Maybe even more than a lot of them. Let me consider this: Steve Albini's kind of a dick. So's Ian Mackaye, and even though both have every right to be, I don't think either would be the sort of dude you could invite over to play NBA Jam and talk about babes. I am of the uniform opinion that Kirk Hammett would be a really good dude to hang out with, and probably the best guy I can think of to jam.

The dude is absolutely out of it, and really can't put a cohesive thought together, but I can respect everything he's about: solos, surfing, neutrality, and weird shit left around one's living space. I think I could also stand to hang out with Jon Bon Jovi.

I really like Bon Jovi, and I think he'd have some cool shit to say in hindsight about being in a band that never really died off popularity-wise just because it kept doing the exact same thing. I don't think I could hang out with Glenn Danzig, though, or Varg, or Mick Jagger. I met the singer of Orchid once when he was in Panthers, but he's a total hipster now and looks like he does a ton of blow. David Yow and Lemmy both seem kinda cool, I think there's serious chill potential right there.

Anyway, bottom line best hangs:
1.) WK
2.) Bon Jovi
3.) Hammett
4.) Lemmy
5.) Jus Oborn (would definitely smoke weed with, and would probably even buy the weed)
6.) Yow

Worst (1=worst):
1.) Varg
2.) Danzig
3.) Albini
4.) MacKaye
5.) Jagger
6.) I don't know

Maybe Jagger wouldn't be such a bad hang, I just don't think he'd be super fun. I think Keef would be great, and I think I've definitely had that conversation before. Oh well. I'm going up to Canada tomorrow to do some legal drinking and some dogsledding. When I get back I might try to snipe a Sunn head off eBay. PAIN TRAIN, WOO WOOOOO

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Back to Bard for a few days of practice tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Felt like blogging. I just got home a few hours ago after spending a bunch of time in the city. I'm listening to Deep Purple and lying on my couch. I dropped by my house in Red Hook earlier today and talked to Lotte and after a near-disaster everything is okay there. I was very surprised to realize that I'm actually looking forward to this coming semester. Last semester was a bit of a nightmare. I think whenever it's getting colder my mood worsens but 20 credits really was a downer. The Hound was my only glimmer of hope, and that remains intact.

I've been invited to review music for a new music site called Review Posse. Looks kind of hip-oriented and almost nothing on there (except the Mariachi El Bronx record which was okay) is of the slightest interest to me. They have some King Khan shit reviewed and Dave Matthews Band. I don't know, I've written some stuff that I need to proofread and shorten a bit, then probably submit and get rejected because nobody gives a fuck about Turboslut except me. "Review the new Wolfmother!"
If the Pygmy Lush/Des Ark collaborative LP actually comes out this year it will probably be #1.