Sunday, January 17, 2010

Best Music Dude Hangs

Andrew WK is fucking awesome. I'm not such a big fan of his music, but his entire lifestyle seems to have so much to offer that I think I put him up right up there with, you know, musicians whose music I actually really like. Maybe even more than a lot of them. Let me consider this: Steve Albini's kind of a dick. So's Ian Mackaye, and even though both have every right to be, I don't think either would be the sort of dude you could invite over to play NBA Jam and talk about babes. I am of the uniform opinion that Kirk Hammett would be a really good dude to hang out with, and probably the best guy I can think of to jam.

The dude is absolutely out of it, and really can't put a cohesive thought together, but I can respect everything he's about: solos, surfing, neutrality, and weird shit left around one's living space. I think I could also stand to hang out with Jon Bon Jovi.

I really like Bon Jovi, and I think he'd have some cool shit to say in hindsight about being in a band that never really died off popularity-wise just because it kept doing the exact same thing. I don't think I could hang out with Glenn Danzig, though, or Varg, or Mick Jagger. I met the singer of Orchid once when he was in Panthers, but he's a total hipster now and looks like he does a ton of blow. David Yow and Lemmy both seem kinda cool, I think there's serious chill potential right there.

Anyway, bottom line best hangs:
1.) WK
2.) Bon Jovi
3.) Hammett
4.) Lemmy
5.) Jus Oborn (would definitely smoke weed with, and would probably even buy the weed)
6.) Yow

Worst (1=worst):
1.) Varg
2.) Danzig
3.) Albini
4.) MacKaye
5.) Jagger
6.) I don't know

Maybe Jagger wouldn't be such a bad hang, I just don't think he'd be super fun. I think Keef would be great, and I think I've definitely had that conversation before. Oh well. I'm going up to Canada tomorrow to do some legal drinking and some dogsledding. When I get back I might try to snipe a Sunn head off eBay. PAIN TRAIN, WOO WOOOOO

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