Saturday, September 4, 2010


So I am back at Bard College to commence my third year of study. I have been here for a week. I live in a pretty sick room and got a room to put my drums in, so that's cool, and things are overall pretty normal. I'm not taking a huge amount of class, so everything I'm taking is really cool and shouldn't load me up with work too much to prevent me from practicing. All good there!

It's Saturday night and I don't feel like drinking, so I'm just hanging out in my room writing a blog. Julia wasn't feeling well so she decided to go to sleep, which is a good thing since we're going to Saratoga early tomorrow to do some betting. It's interesting, I hadn't found much fulfillment in that sort of thing before this summer, but since she started coming with me it's been really fun and I can't wait to keep going to the track.

It's weird, though: since being back, I haven't really felt the urge to go to class or practice or hang out with friends or really do anything I used to do while I was here. I've never been a partier but that's hit an even lower low. I don't honestly feel very conflicted about this, but I think that Julia does from feeling the same way. This I understand, so I'm really going to try to remedy this situation for both of us, while making sure that sufficient time is spent together. We spent the whole day together yesterday and it was really great, so I'm just super-glad we can still get together and have a great time. This bodes well!

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