Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So no update in a while, and this isn't gonna be huge. I have a blog.

It's the middle of Spring Break. I have been "writing songs," which has quotes around it because I haven't worked on any of the songs I said I would work on. That being said, now that I've spent a few days being removed from all that, I'm not really sure how much I like the stuff we have. I have also learned to play Neil Young's "The Needle and the Damage Done" and Weezer's "Say It Ain't So" thanks to the internet. The song I actually have written fully is a four-minute acoustic thing that I hope to flesh out under the moniker "Remain Standing In This Light." Not a reference to anything, just something I woke up saying yesterday around 2 PM. Life is good.

I watched the 1972 adaptation of Kurt Vonnegut's classic Slaughterhouse-Five just now. That book is a favorite of mine, and Vonnegut was right when he commented on how perfectly it was translated. Recommended.

Oh yeah, I've been listening to a lot of doom metal the last couple days. As a non-weed-smoker, that shit fascinates me. Jus Oborn apparently tunes his guitar to fucking A# and runs his guitar through a bass amp. Someday I will achieve that heaviness...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Uh huh

I saw Ian MacKaye in person on St. Patrick's Day. He answered two hours' worth of questions which ranged from really great to really dumb, but was able to elaborate enough that nothing sounded really dumb. I knew this years ago, but he's a really smart dude. So that was fun. Also won a contest where I guessed something close to the number of Lucky Charms in a jar and won some Bard Buxxx. Overall yesterday was a good day.

Today was also pretty good, but suddenly I have no prospective ladyfriends. Usually I let them occupy me for months and do nothing with them before finding someone else, but this time I just don't really have anyone to fall back on. So if you know any relatively good-looking girl who is good at "not knowing how things stand," hook me up! You know where I am!

That was the most honest I've ever been on the internet. Should either keep it up or stop doing that.

Oh before I forget-- I'll be in Kinderhook for anywhere from five to ten days. Not saying you should go out of your way to do something with me, but... you should go out of your way to do something with me. I like tennis.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Okay so

I have a massive headache and I hope to go to bed pretty soon, but this is insignificant. Why?

I am meeting him in less than 24 hours. I have been formulating questions for the last two hours, and hope it will end in a hug.

Current listening: FUGAZI

Monday, March 9, 2009

So I'm a terrible person

Also, I have a new computer. It's nice.

Friday, March 6, 2009


So I got really, really sick yesterday after eating two tacos at Kline. I mean, theoretically it could've had nothing to do with Kline, but I got a huge stomachache about fifteen minutes after consuming them, and six hours later, I became more than casual acquaintances with a Tewksbury toilet, if you get my "drift." More like PUKESBURY... oh! Anyway, I woke up feeling really weak, but my strength has been restored to a reasonable extent since then. I haven't eaten anything substantial today, so I'm pretty ravenous and shit. Snapz n popz.

Might go see Watchmen today or this weekend. I also hear I have a subscriber now, but I'm not seeing that on here, so maybe not. Here's a picture of an antelope.More like... the band Antelope... LOL!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Catching up

So I haven't had time to post much lately because I've been going to the library and keeping busy. I have an essay due tomorrow that I hope won't kill me. I wrote lyrics to a song and I think they're all right.

There is a Root Cellar show on Friday. Ghost Town Trio and Reverse the Curse. Should be fun. After that I have the studio at Blum until 4 AM and I want to lay some hot trax down.

I went to Cornell over the weekend and saw LUDACRIS play some of his songs. Guy's sold fifteen million albums, but nobody at this great Ivy League school seemed to fully grasp how much they'd been conned by this whole thing. Like I understand that I go to a school which is CRAZY about irony, but I don't think it's necessarily Bard speaking when I say that there was not "nearly enough" irony present in that room. I also feel like I've reached the plateau where a show has to be really, really fucking good for me to actually enjoy it. Luda was okay. Didn't have nearly enough tattoos...!