Monday, February 9, 2009


So I'm Jack and I decided to start a blog because it's easy and the demise of Juicycampus has left a void that needs filling... in my heart. I post on Girth Crisis occasionally, but this blog isn't going to be totally about music like that one. I may post a good album here and there, or even most of the time, but this is about ME. ME ME ME.

I go to college and like to do fun things like everybody else. I'm generally a pretty bummed-out dude and I can only expect that that'll come out in these blogs. Also I will try to actually tackle things that matter (to me) other than my love life or other things you would expect to find in a personal blog. Might review some albums even if I don't post 'em, might talk about the news. I rarely watch the news.

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