Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So I am still in a band and we are still practicing music. Apparently Dear Friend(s?) might play the Root Cellar in April, so we're tentatively shooting for that as our first show. Eli was in a shitty mood and was sick yesterday, so we didn't really broach the subject.

The music: I'm not honestly sure how good it is. I don't think we've come into our own yet, plus I haven't written shit for lyrics, but yeah. I dream of making crucial jams and I'm not quite sure if these are crucial jams. I hope they're crucial jams. :(

Anyway, I did pull an all-nighter to do that paper. I did pretty well yesterday considering, but I slept like a rock last night. I used to write like ten-pagers all the time for US History, but I suppose that when they're on more complex/thought-provoking subjects, they take longer, like waaaay longer.

Yesterday and today I've been listening to a lot of Tunes for Bears to Dance To. They were a screamo band from Florida whose members went on to form or play in the fantastic bands Capsule, Torche, and Tyranny of Shaw. I prefer them to any of those bands, or most bands in general. Take the musicianship of a band like A Case of Grenada, combine that with rawer production and some degree of silliness, and make it a lot better, and you've got these dudes. Yeah, nobody reads this anyway, but here it is.


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