Sunday, February 15, 2009


So posts on this are going to be intermittent for a while because I have finally laid my old computer, which looks like what you see above, to rest. I got it at the beginning of junior year and after about two and a half years of hard use, I am declaring it finished.

Shit rules.

I think about a year ago the hinge started to break, then I dropped it off my bed and it wouldn't shut, so that put me like $175 deep in repairs. Then the keys started sticking and the clicker didn't always work. Still we soldiered on! Then around November 2008, the thing started running very, very slowly, at which time I had 2% of my hard drive space available, which I think may have caused it. I continued to use it, convinced that it would still last me through this semester, but NOPE. The battery has ceased to function and it will instantly shut off if unplugged, which is often because the plug design on this thing always was piss-poor.

Hopefully GETNAMAC.

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